Acne treatment
Almost 90% of all 15 - 30 year olds are affected by impure skin and mild acne. Alarmingly, the onset of late acne in adults is becoming more prevalent.
This special program using cosmeceuticals from Med Be4auty Swiss (a combination of cosmetics and medicine), comprises of the following:
• Removal of sebum film
• Normalizing the hyperkeratosis
• Removal of comedones and impurities
• Infection resistance
Special treatment for impure skin
Conditions that lead to inflamed acne is seborrhoea (sebaceous glands hyper function) a sebaceous glands keratosis, a bacteria reproduction an das well a genetic terms. We use the ingredients Glycocitro-comples (ennobled fruit acids, or the treatment of impure skin, dissolving the horny layer) salicylic acit (horny layer dissolving and anti-inflammatory), Chlorhxidin (anti-inflammatory) and zinc oxide (antibacterial). Those ingredients counteract the cause oft he development of acne. Thus the impure skin will improve fast and effectively.
It has been known for some time that acne responds to light:
- Blue light destroys the acne bacteria
- Infrared attacks the activity or sebaceous glands
- IPL-system emits light with a wavelength which has an impact on both acne bacteria as well as on the sebaceous glands.
The amount of treatments depends on the needs of he individual.
A possible 6 treatments may be required.